She Believed, She Could, So She Did - Roohi Gupta

Roohi Gupta

We all know art talks, where words cease to explain emotions. Also, I feel art helps you feel and breathe sentiments much better. If Art is all this, then I feel her name suits her best. Let’s meet Roohi, her name means “a loving soul”. Creativity is a refection of our souls, and that what defines Roohi. A daughter, a wife, a 24*7 mother, a self learnt artist & a creative freelancer... above all A WOMAN with a beautiful heart. She has done her MBA in Finance and Marketing and has 5+ years of corporate experience. Currently she is based in Pune with her husband and a lovely 6-year-old daughter. Staying at home was a choice she made, but that didn’t stop her from pursuing her hobby and shape it up into a career. She involves herself in a lot of creative initiatives. In her own words, “I still remember, it was way back in 2011 -Bangalore, when I started with my Sketching classes. To my surprise, it was not only the kids but also adults whom I was teaching, and I was and am still proud of that thing!”. Creativity has many aspects, and that shows with Roohi as well. She has always been fond of Hindi music and during the lockdown, she is now trying singing too!

I think I have spoken too much about her, now its time we hear directly from her. 

1. What service(s) or product(s) do you offer/manufacture? ...

Today, I have my own banner under the name of “Roohi’s Collection”. I handmake and customize décor stuff, artifacts, doodles and paintings. Every art piece I make, is close to my heart and brings me more learning and experience. Do have a look at my work on my FB and Instagram pages.

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2. How did you get your idea or concept? ...

For me I would say it’s simply my hobby turned into profession. However, I have successfully transitioned, art today is neither a hobby nor a profession, rather a way of life for me. It is said, people have three hobbies, one to make money, one to keep you active and one to be creative. I am one of those lucky ones, for whom all three come into one. Also, I feel today customization is the KEY. It helps make art more relevant and relatable for all occasions. I feel customization helps add the extra zing of excitement to happiness.

3. What do the day-to-day responsibilities of the role look like? ...

As of now, I have broadened myself to many roles in my personal life. This makes my professional growth a little slow but still I do carve out time to complete commissioned work I commit to. I do it with a lot of enthusiasm and passion. I feel blessed to be able to help people create pleasure and joy for their beloveds.

4. What are some of the mistakes you wish you could have avoided? ...

I feel self-doubt is the biggest mistake we all make. I used to feel and wish, “I had a formal degree in Art, I could to so much better”. But now when I look back, I feel, if I had a degree in Arts…. maybe I wouldn’t have learnt so much on my own that I do now! Also, I sometimes feel formal education may limit inspired and artistic thought process. Today I may not know niche techniques, but I know the pulse of my people.

5. Are you happy and what would you change? ...

Yes! Hustling between my personal and professional goals is exciting, I have no reason to be unhappy about anything! I believe CHANGE is the only thing constant….so accept the change and live the change, as change is inevitable!

6. A quote you stand by ...


Such a calm personality. We all know change is the only constant but accepting it as a way of life is not easy. The wisdom and calm that Roohi brings to the table, truly reflects in her art. Her expressions in art and the choice of color are a treat to eyes and soul. Real luxury lies in customization. Create your own style with Roohi, let it be unique yet identifiable.

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