
Showing posts from October, 2020


बेटी की शादी नजदीक आ रही थी। पैसो का इन्तेजाम अभी तक नही हो पाया था। खेत मे उजड़ी फसल देख आँख मे आँसू आ जाते। क्यू किया विधाता ने ऐसा, क्यू खुशियों मे शमील नही हुआ वो? जब और कोई इन्तजाम ना हो सका, तो बेटी के प्यार के आगे वफादारी हार गयी। दिल पे पथर रख, उसने अपने बेल को बेचने का फैसला किया। घर मे किसी को बताये बिना, सौदा हो गया। पैसे मिल गये, अगले दिन सुबह बेल को ले जाना पक्का हुआ। रात भार ना निंद ना चेन। किसान के लिये बेल, पुत्र जैसा होता है। बेटी के भविस्या के लिये, उसने अपना जी मर लिया। भोर हुई, तो डबडबाई आंखो के समाने कुछ रंग दिखे। किसान हड़बड़ा के उठा। बेल के साथ उसकी औरत खडी थी, कुछ उदास। बेल को उसने खुब सुन्दर सजाया था। बोली "इतना तो हक बनता है ना इसका, और इस पर मेरा?" दोनो उसे बैठ निहारें लगे, और अश्रु ना रुखे। "बिदाई का दुख वो किसान बतायेगा, जिस्ने बेटी को विदा करने के लिये अपना सब कुछ बेच दिया हो।"

She Believed, She Could, So She Did - Harsimrt Pabla

Harsimrt Pabla "If you carry your childhood with you, you never become old" and this is so true for Harsimrt. Talk to her once and you will be assured she has preserved all her innocence from childhood. She was the pampered one being the first born in her family. But she never went from being pampered to spoilt, although her grandparents adored her. T hey used to fulfill all her wishes and her parents couldn't do anything about it. Yes, She was a loved child and was lucky to have the love of her grandparents every single day. She completed her professional education from Malaysia, she continued to work there as a career center executive. She eventually came back to India and had a major health transformation and continued her learning from that day on. She currently stays in Canada with her husband and a lovely 22 month old toddler. lets understand more about her passion from her. 1.  What service(s) or product(s) do you offer/manufacture? ... I currently help people with...

आखिर रावण कौन था?

ज्ञान से ज्यादा प्रभुतव उसके अनुसरण का होता है। ज्ञान स्वाभिमान का दाता हो तो कीर्ति प्राप्त होती है। पर जब ज्ञान अहंकार को जनम दे, तो क्षतीदायक होता है। रावण बल और बुद्धीमत्ता का स्वामी था। पर बल पे बुद्धी, और बुद्धी पे कर्म भरी होता है। रावण का अंत राम ने नही, रावण के अहंकार ने किया। उपलब्धी से निर्मल बने, तभी ज्ञान, बल, बुद्धी आपके पक्ष मे होंगे।


मेने ही लग्वयी थी यह कुंडी, तुमसे जाते जाते, सबके लिये घर खली था। तुम्हारे जाने के बाद, और ना कोई आ पाये, इसलिये ही तो लग्वयी थी कुंडी, पर तुम क्यू नही अए?   तुम्हे तो पता था ना, मे हू अंदर, तन्हा, तुम्हारे इन्तज़ार मे, फिर तुम क्यू नही अए? क्यू रहने दिया मुझे अकेला? मे जानती हू कुंडी थी, ताला नही, मे बाहर आ सकती थी। पर तुम क्यू नही अए? लम्हे, दिन, साल गुजरते गये, तुम क्यू नही अए? फिर एक दिन, मेरी बुझी हुई आंखो ने मुझसे पुछा, तू खुद क्यु नही खोलती कुंडी? शोर मचा, चुप क्यू बैठी है? उस दिन जब मेने ज़बा पे लगा ताला खोला, सारी कुंडीया खुल गयी। मे तुम्हारी नही, में अपनी सोच की गिरफ्तार थी। जब में ही अपने लिये नही आयी, तो तुम क्या आते। पर अब मे हू आजाद,  हर गिरफ्त से। अपनी सोच और तुम्हारी यादो की गिरफ्त से आजाद। अब मे हू, जी खोले के जीने को तैयार......

Superman ना बनना

Superman ना बनना, Good man मगर तुम बन जाना। सबसे भलेेे ही हारना, पर अपने मन से जीत जाना। थको, तो रुक जाना, पर निराशा के आगें झुक ना जाना। तरक्की ना हो, कोई बात नही, किसी की अधोगति का कारण बन ना जाना। निरंतर प्रसन्न रहना, वर्तमान मे जीना, पर भूतकाल का सबक भुल ना जाना। सच और इन्साफ के साथ चलना, पर हसी-खुशि के साथ रहना भुल ना जाना। बेटा Superman बनो ना बनो, Goodman, जरूर तुम बन जाना।

She Believed, She Could, So She Did - Sunayana Gawade

Sunayana Gawade “The Walls between Art and Engineering exist only in our minds” this is so true for Sunayana. The ease with which she transitioned from being a working professional in a MNC to an art and craft enthusiast is mesmerizing. She received art as a heritage from her father. She was raised with two siblings and has always been a very active person. Physical agility was shown in her Basketball and mental agility in her art and craft projects. Her independent personality always was inclined towards entrepreneurship. But everyone around her believed, education followed by a job in MNC, were essential for living a good life. So, family didn’t allow to pursue her dream, to do more in the field of art. She went on to do her graduation and post-graduation in computer science. Once, she was married, her passion for art was forgotten while juggling professional and family responsibilities.  After working close to a decade as a software engineer, she still felt amiss. In the initial...

Hypothyroidism symptoms - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Pic courtesy - Google Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-- Ask any husband and he will say accordingly to his mother his wife has it. Ask any wife and she will say according to her father her husband has it! Is that not true? Just wanted to start a rather heavy post on a lighter note. But jokes apart what is  Chronic fatigue syndrome  and is it related to thyroid disorders? So, let’s first begin with understanding Chronic fatigue syndrome and then we can go ahead and establish the relationship to whys and how’s of its related disorders. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)  is a complicated disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that can't be explained by any underlying primary medical illness. The fatigue may aggravate with physical or mental activity but doesn't improve with bed rest. Experts believe chronic fatigue syndrome might be triggered by an amalgamation of many factors. The sad part being the majority population that is inflicted by this disorder is women. Women are 7-8...


तोड़ो गुल्लक, आज में  जियो।


  किस लकीर की फकीर मेरी जिंदगी बन गयी? गर तू ना था मेरी तकदीर मे, फिर क्यू तू मेरा राँझा, और मे तेरी हीर बन गयी।

मेरि चंचल

 चंचल जब पेहली बार मेरि गोद  मे आयी, वह रोयी नही। वह मुझे  देखती रही और मे उसे, जैसे हम दोनो एक दुसरे से कह रहे हो,"सब ठीक है।" इतने मे डॉक्टर आयी और बोली, " घाबराओ मत  baby बिल्कुल healthy है। हमने अच्छे से जाच की है । इसे जो बीमारी है, उससे इसकी सेहत को कोई नुक्सान नही होगा। काफी rare है जनमसे ऐसा होना।" मेंने डॉक्टर की तरफ देखा और कहा, "बिलकुल हिरन सी है, प्यारी छोटे-छोटे छीटें भी है इस पर। इस्क नाम तो में चंचल रखुगी। सही ?" मेरी चंचल बिलकुल वैसी ही थी, छोटे से हिरन सी। उसे जनम्तह Leucoderma था। दाग थे, पर सिर्फ तन पे। 

She believed, She Could, So She did - Minnie & Sona Thakur

Minnie & Sona Thakur "My daughter is super amazing and I am the lucky one to have her as my partner forever", says who - Minnie Thakur's mom. They are one amazing jodi. soft-spoken, polite and very professional. she has that lovely chirp in her voice, that make dealing with her a pleasure. she is  young, vivacious and very friendly human. she lost her father early in life and since then her mother has been her pillar of strength till date. She has a younger sister, who is in healthcare sector. Minnie is very young, but a brilliant artisan and a business women with sharp skills. Her father's death did rock the family, but they emerged stronger than ever. She has done her Bachelors in Commerce, but her experience and moms support add to much more. Let now hear more about her, from her. 1. What service(s) or product(s) do you offer/manufacture? ... I own  my own jewelry brand "Swarg Collection".Its a brand of imitation jewelry. All our pieces are handcrafte...


Pic courtesy - Google Hello all, I know all of you are wondering what is  Happythroidism . We all have heard of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, but this sounds something new. Just to clarify I have not invented any new disease; I know I am a doctor but I am not that good girls. In fact, this post talks about the patient in me and not doctor.  Also, I am not trying to tell you the disease that I am diagnosed with but here this post talks about my state of mind, post my diagnosis. Normally after a series of pathological investigation when we zero down on an illness, we are sad to endure a long-term treatment. As most of us are aware that any kind of thyroid hormone related imbalance calls for a lifelong external supply of hormone with the help of oral pills. But then why do you think I am happy and why do I term my illness to be anything but  Happythyroidism . So basically, let me begin with what caused me to go for those needle prick investigation whe...

Love Vs Fear

Shambhavi was tired and stressed out. Why was she being forced to continue working? She wanted to quit! She had it all planned out. She knew what, where, how and was ready to fail if it didnt work. She was not afraid, but her parents were. They didnt get it. It was very difficult for them to understand her suffocation. Her father had spent all his life in the same job where he started. He spend his life balancing and not really aspiring. He was a good man, Who kept the needs of his family above his aspirations, be it professional or personal life. He would always agree to avoid conflict and confrontation. Shambhavi was given all the freedom, education and comfort he didn't have. However, when it was time for her to look for stability, she wanted to give it all up. Shambhavi on the other hand, wanted to explore and live on her own terms. She wanted to travel and paint. Her father wanted her happiness, but deep down he knew money was important. Didnt he keep his dreams aside for ...

Air fryer - My 2nd best buy in Pandemic

What Air fryer can do? How Air fryer works? Why Air fryer is good? Air fryer or traditional oven? If you have all these questions and on! My Kenstar Aster Digi 1500-Watt Oxy Fryer (3.5 L) An air-fryer is a portable counter-top kitchen appliance.  It has heating mechanism with a fan that helps rush hot air around the found kept in a deep basket. Hot air surrounds food as it is submerged in hot oil in a deep fryer. This rapid circulation makes the food crisp, very much like deep frying. Air fryers use little to no oil to get the same effect as traditional deep frying. Is it better than a convection oven? I would say both are different appliances. An Oven uses heat generated by an element and slowly radiates it over food. Air fryer on the other hand uses rapid air technology and is comparatively faster. Small size helps circulate the heat more evenly, crisping up your food without hot spots.  Reasons to consider when deci...


 For last six months, Siya did have any time for herself. She had waited for this all her life, she so wanted to experience "motherhood". Everyone around her had painted this rosy picture and happy life with kid. After her daughter was born,  she failed to feel the happiness that people talked about. She was always busy, tired or sleepless. She did feel love for her baby, but something in her was not right.  She longed for some alone time. But found it very selfish to call it out. She wanted happiness more then ever, she yearned it, but didnt knew what to do, to get it. Giving birth didnt really feel that magical. She felt alone and deserted.  The day started like every other day, she woke up to a crying baby, waiting to be fed. She woke and broke down, she just started to sob. She didnt feel like holding her baby nor had the instinct to quickly feed her. Her husband woke up, stared at her for sometime and quickly grabbed the baby. They didnt talk, she took the ...

CACTUS का फूल

 दिवाली नजदीक आ रही थी। श्याम की बहू पूरी तैयारी में लगी थी। श्याम का ब्याह हुए अभी दो ही माह हुए थे, घर मे ज्यादा खुशी का माहोल नही था। श्याम की माँ ने बहुत उत्साह से उसके ब्याह का हर काम किया था। माँ चाहती थी की इस बार की दिवाली नयी बहू के साथ हो। पर प्रभू की इच्छा के आगे किसकी चली है। ब्याह संपन हुआ और अगले ही दिन श्याम की माँ ने खाट पकड़ ली। कुछ दिन तो यही सोचकर निकल गये की ब्याह की थकान होगी। पर जब स्वास्थ्य मे कोई सुधार नही हुआ तो डॉक्टर के पास ले गये। पता चला, माँ की kidney ठीक से काम नही कर रही थी। कुछ और जाच करयी गयी। डॉक्टर ने माँ का तुरन्त dialysis शुरु करने की सलाह दी। बस फिर क्या था, श्याम और माँ हॉस्पिटल आने जाने मे व्यस्त हो गये। बहू ने घर संभल लिया। बहू को फूल-पधो का बड़ा शौक था, चले-चौके से समय निकल कर बागवानी करती। उसने कई सारे फूल लगाये थे, माँ घंटो उन्हे निहारती। माँ को बडि टीस होती की बहू सारा काम अकेले करती। पर कमजोरि और बीमारी के चलते कुछ ना कर पाती। एक दिन उसका ध्यान अगंन मे लगे नाये पौधे पे गया। माँ ने तुरन्त बहू से पुछा, "यह इतना काटे दार पौधा क्यूँ लग...

हमारी व्यथा

"यार कितने दिन हो गये, हमरी बारि कब आयेगी" "एक हम ही  बचे है, कितने दिन हो गये" "अब सहन नही होता" "हमे भी special treatment की जरूरत है" "हल्के गरम पानी की बौछार" "हल्के हल्के झाग से गुद गुदी करती पानी की तरंगे" "हम ना काम  करे तो निवाला ना पहुचें  मूह तक" "और हमारी कोई चिंता नही" "हमारे गुण नही दिखते इन्हें" "जब तक हम ना घिसे, भूक ना मिटे" "जब हम पिछवाडे पर पड़े, तो गलती मिटे" "और देखो, हमारी इज़्ज़त ही नही करते यह लोग" सोचिये, कौन बात कर रहा है। आखिर हमारी बरी कब आयेगी नये Dishwasher मे spa की? आखिर कब???