Should a woman change her maiden surname after marriage?
After reading this question the first thing that came to my mind was “No”. Then I read the question again and tried to understand it better. The question is not for me, its about women in general, I guess then the answer will be “let her decide” , and I would not want to decide for her. As a women I feel, we feel that we leave too many things behind when we get married and move to a new family, new house new room etc. So why so much fuss about the surname. When we can leave behind so many things and embrace the change then why not the surname. The problem here is not the change but the reason for change. I would never do anything because someone wants me to do it. Changing something so personal to me because someone else wants me to do it, is pure rubbish to me. I feel reason behind a change is more important to me than the change in itself. Although change is the only permanent thing in life, and we should never say never to anything, I still feel changes that are...