
रुक्कू की दीदी (Part 1)

Pic Courtesy - Google बहोत दिन हो गये थे, उसका मन उचाट सा था, किसी बात पे दिल खुश नही होता। वो सारे काम करती, पर बेमन से। क्युकि सब कुछ ठीक हो रहा था, किसी का ध्यान नही गया उसकी ओर। उसने भी किसी से कुछ ना कहा। कहती भी क्या? उसने ही तो हा कही थी। पर उसका मन नही मान रहा था, मन ना हा मे खुश था, और ना ना मे। रह रह कर उसे दीदी की याद आ रही थी। दीदी ने उसके लिये बहोत किया था, दीदी हमेशा से चाहती थी, की जो वो ना कर पायी वो रुक्कू करे। रुक्कू को जिन्दगी ने ऐसे दो राहे पे खड़ा कर दिया था, जहा उसे कुछ समझ मे नही आ रहा था। पर उस्ने अपनी इछाओ से उपर दीदी की जिम्मेदारियो को रख्ने की ठान ली। उसने मन से सारी वो बातें निकल दी, जो उसे अपनी पुरानी जिन्दगी की याद दिलाए। माँ के साथ अपने आने वाले कल की तैयारी मे लग गयी। रोज उठती कुछ नया पकवान सिखाती, कुछ घर के काम काज सिखती, दिन ऐसे ही बितने लगे। देखते देखते 2 महिने बीत गये, अभी भी, कभी-कभी दीदी को याद कर आंखे नम हो जाती। पर फिर वो जल्दी से मन बदल आंखे पोछ, किसी काम मे लग जाती। शादी के दिन भी नजदीक आ राहे थे। तैयारियाँ तो चल रही थी, पर कोई हर्ष-उल्लाष नही थ...

She Believed, She Could, So She Did - Anubha Sharma

Anubha Sharma "You live, you learn, and you upgrade "this best explains Anubha. Being an Army brat, very early in her life she learned to embrace change and find new learnings at every opportunity. She has called all corners of the country her home during her growing up years and this helped her develop fondness for local produce and local cuisines. Her Dad instilled in her the love for experimenting new things and making very failure a learning experience. He willingly became his guinea pig for all her baking adventures during growing up years. Her mother was an academician, and her partner in baking adventures. Both siblings were taught at a very early age to speak their minds, Anubha was also an avid debater, school captain! She went on to complete her graduation from Delhi University followed by her Master’s in Business Administration. She worked in advertising for 4 years, before getting married and moving abroad, and thus her travels continued. She travelled across the ...

She Believed, She Could, So She Did - Shailaja Kumar Gupta

Shailaja Kumar Gupta It’s said, "Life belongs to the energetic". Without a doubt Shailaja is winning in life with the infinite energy that she has. She is one vivacious and energetic person. She has a magnetic persona, and it is difficult to not like her. Her passion towards life and the discipline is awe-inspiring. She hails from an academically inclined family with her father being a retired ACP and mother a retired medical office from GMC, Nagpur. She also went the same way and completed her master’s in computer management and went on to work for organizations like Citibank, Wipro etc before taking a plunge into her passion. She has always been a performer, a go getter with a passion for fitness. The seeds of an active lifestyle were soon in her childhood, when she saw her busy parents taking time for an active lifestyle. However her first push came from her brother, who himself was an athlete. She feels at home when on stage, she has won many pageants like, Miss. Vida...

She Believed, She Could, So She Did - Hemal Gala (Sangoi)

Hemal Gala (Sangoi ) "She's a surprise, quiet, soft spoken, yet headstrong and determined" what better way to describe Hemal. She is a true Mumbai girl, born n raised with 3 siblings. She was always creatively inclined, but succumbed under peer pressure, when it was time to choose her stream. She went with science and went on to do her masters in Biochemistry. Subsequently, started her corporate grind of 9 to 5. All this while she still nurtured her creativity and kept it alive. Soon she got married and was blessed with a lovely daughter. She took a break to attend to her maternal duties and this break proved to be a breakthrough for her. Time off the job scene, sowed in her the seeds of 'entrepreneurship'. This rekindled her fire and with encouragement from family started her journey. She is one of my old colleagues, I still remember her as a very gentle human being. A fun-loving timid girl, who would leave a lasting impression on anyone. Let hear more about her ...


बेटी की शादी नजदीक आ रही थी। पैसो का इन्तेजाम अभी तक नही हो पाया था। खेत मे उजड़ी फसल देख आँख मे आँसू आ जाते। क्यू किया विधाता ने ऐसा, क्यू खुशियों मे शमील नही हुआ वो? जब और कोई इन्तजाम ना हो सका, तो बेटी के प्यार के आगे वफादारी हार गयी। दिल पे पथर रख, उसने अपने बेल को बेचने का फैसला किया। घर मे किसी को बताये बिना, सौदा हो गया। पैसे मिल गये, अगले दिन सुबह बेल को ले जाना पक्का हुआ। रात भार ना निंद ना चेन। किसान के लिये बेल, पुत्र जैसा होता है। बेटी के भविस्या के लिये, उसने अपना जी मर लिया। भोर हुई, तो डबडबाई आंखो के समाने कुछ रंग दिखे। किसान हड़बड़ा के उठा। बेल के साथ उसकी औरत खडी थी, कुछ उदास। बेल को उसने खुब सुन्दर सजाया था। बोली "इतना तो हक बनता है ना इसका, और इस पर मेरा?" दोनो उसे बैठ निहारें लगे, और अश्रु ना रुखे। "बिदाई का दुख वो किसान बतायेगा, जिस्ने बेटी को विदा करने के लिये अपना सब कुछ बेच दिया हो।"

She Believed, She Could, So She Did - Harsimrt Pabla

Harsimrt Pabla "If you carry your childhood with you, you never become old" and this is so true for Harsimrt. Talk to her once and you will be assured she has preserved all her innocence from childhood. She was the pampered one being the first born in her family. But she never went from being pampered to spoilt, although her grandparents adored her. T hey used to fulfill all her wishes and her parents couldn't do anything about it. Yes, She was a loved child and was lucky to have the love of her grandparents every single day. She completed her professional education from Malaysia, she continued to work there as a career center executive. She eventually came back to India and had a major health transformation and continued her learning from that day on. She currently stays in Canada with her husband and a lovely 22 month old toddler. lets understand more about her passion from her. 1.  What service(s) or product(s) do you offer/manufacture? ... I currently help people with...

आखिर रावण कौन था?

ज्ञान से ज्यादा प्रभुतव उसके अनुसरण का होता है। ज्ञान स्वाभिमान का दाता हो तो कीर्ति प्राप्त होती है। पर जब ज्ञान अहंकार को जनम दे, तो क्षतीदायक होता है। रावण बल और बुद्धीमत्ता का स्वामी था। पर बल पे बुद्धी, और बुद्धी पे कर्म भरी होता है। रावण का अंत राम ने नही, रावण के अहंकार ने किया। उपलब्धी से निर्मल बने, तभी ज्ञान, बल, बुद्धी आपके पक्ष मे होंगे।