“Eat Breakfast like a KING! Lunch like a PRINCE! Dinner like a PAUPER” I don’t know who said this, but when I was searching for the next best diet I came across this statement that was posed against healthy diet and nutrition columns. I liked this idea of healthy life style. It told dieting was not a one time thing but a life style change. What could be better than have a lifestyle statement that wanted you to eat and not once but reinforced eating thrice. And also made you feel kingly right at the start of your day. As for me all the diets I had been so far had always made me feel poor, as all I was eating was raw foods(Fruits and salads). So with this new mantra came as a new MOTIvation for a slimmer tomorrow. So here I was, all ready to begin my day eating like a king. Basically I am not a breakfast person, somehow the only time during a day when I am not hungry is the mornings. All diet gurus recommend you to have a compulsory breakfast but when you are ...