Sawaal Jawaab Part 9

It was the perfect day in office….no work…lots of interesting stuff to read. Shyama was back to India after a long gap. She was feeling comfortable in her regular Indian office wear. With the burden of the jacket off her shoulder she felt both light and lively. So thought to read and enjoy the day at leisure. She wanted to relax completely so she got her favorite mug dumped the green tea bag and filled it with piping hot water. Her kappa was reading, with her reading glasses on she started. She went through various site and finally settled on one for health and wellbeing.
She started reading and soon was engrossed completely in it. Suddenly a not so familiar voice shot at her from the background.

It was Murugesh, the ever inquisitive guy from her team. She was new to the team and Murugesh’s ways.
Murugesh repeated again this time with a softer tone as he already had Shyama’s attention.

Murugesh: Trying to Lose weight, ha?

Shyama gave her him a quizzed look. She was taken aback by this question. She took a little time to respond.

Shyama: Hi, Murugesh
Murugesh: Green tea is good for weight loss

Shyama: Yes you are right , but it has loads of other health benefits also.
Murugesh: I know, did you get this tip from internet

Shyama: No. why?
Murugesh: No you are reading about that I guessed

Shyama: Let me answer your questions. I am drinking green tea to have better health and yes also to promote weight loss. As weight loss being a part of better health  and wellbeing. And yes I did get some knowledge about this from internet. But me being a doctor already knew many things and need not rely on internet for first hand information on health and wellbeing
Murugesh: Oh great so I have a doctor next to me.

Shyama: Hmm, you do. But don’t expect much. As I am a qualified and registered doctor but not  practicing doctor.
Murugesh: Ok, not a problem. I will start eating apples.

Shyama: Apples, why?
Murugesh: You know An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and  since the doctor next to me is not a practicing doctor I better eat two. So that she never has to experiment with me.

Shyama: Well, that’s funny
Murugesh: But I am amazed to find a doctor working in It.

Shyama: Sorry cant explain that, its a long story and all I can say is even I am amazed at myself.
Murugesh: That’s cool, but still….why spoil chances of a IT graduate by leaving medicine and moving to IT. Have you ever seen an Engineer do this?

Shyama: First things first I am not competing with any IT graduate. I have worked hard and create the place for myself that I hold today. Secondly Engineer cannot move to the other side of fence, cause only computers can be programmed not human and not all diseases are cured by a restart!

Shayam liked the peppy tone that Murugesh had. She wondered where this office story would head in the future. But for now, she had given enough answers to Murugesh and also many questions which she would have to tackle in future.

Link to part 8: 


  1. He z more annoying thn sridhar.... Bt thnks to sridhar shyama got immune to such people


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