
OMG!!! This is how I was victimized for a major part of my childhood. My sister did the exact same thing with me….but today when I look back I feel….I feel no different ….I still feel it was wicked of her  and I mean really wicked. I would be there on the road with a  bruised knee….dust all over me looking for someone to give me a hand, pick me up or at least be sad that I fell down …but all I could hear even before I could look up was her unstoppable laugh….and her drama that she was trying to stop laughing…but was unable…I would be so so angry on her but to no use she would still continue the same. But one thing that I don’t understand is….why me? Why did I fall all the time? A really difficult question and an answer  that sounds more like a cruel confession…Well I was always plump(PS: this continues till today) and I think its easier for a ball of wool to roll on a slope as compared to a bamboo stick.so I understand here, it was not only my sister but also god who had done injustice to me. If all he could make me was round….why make me a ball of wool…ball of really soft light coloured fur could have looked much better. But even here my actions could change nothing much. So life goes on….I with life have grown up to be  more and more clumsy. I can drop almost anything and it mostly happens in the most inappropriate time. Just this morning I first dropped my mobile phone on a travelator which means I have to run behind my phone which is running ahead of me. So if any of you have a question in your head….as to  ‘’was it funny’’….my answer is don’t ask a question that can get you in trouble or in my blacklist hereafter. And thereafter many more things were dropped like my laptop bag my mini comb in the bus while getting down and many more things.
But while I  was dropping these things and no one was laughing …I missed the giggle… I missed my sister. I think my falling and her laughing made for a perfect childhood memory.

‘‘A sister is a little bit of a childhood that can never be lost’’ - Marion C. Garretty

That’s so true…I mean for all my childhood memories would have been incomplete without her. People say home is where the heart is…I would rather say home is where my sister and mom are with me. The smell of home cooked meals is  incomplete without her. Today as we stay miles apart and both being in different time zones we hardly get time to interact with each other but I don’t feel that distance between us. It’s the everlasting bond that keeps our relationship alive…She gave me beautiful memories at the same time she helped me weave my dreams and today when those dreams come true she is nor proud nor surprised. Her reactions is like, ‘’What, what’s  so great in that…I always knew this was happening….so no big deal?’’ her unwavering faith in my capabilities pushes me to go ahead and achieve that extra edge among others. I really wonder where would I be without her. One thing I surely wont be without her is a ‘Nosy big sister’...so its her presence that makes a whole lot of difference.

‘’Sisters remember things you would rather forget, in graphic detail...With proof.’’ - Unknown

But then as we know every coin has both sides…so there are certain annoying or embarrassing parts of my childhood that I would rather delete from my memory….and being my memory I am to a very high level able to do everything…but there is nothing much I can do about my sisters brain or memory and it saves most of my not so good memories in a very detailed pattern. She has details of almost all failed attempts at various diets with graphic images of small before and a much larger after me in her head. And every once in awhile it comes back to haunt me in form of a loud laugh from her…nevertheless there is not much I can do about his…and someone very wise with this very experience has coined the below lines for my little sister. I am so sure this runs in her head every time she laughs on me grrr….

‘’ I smile because you are my sister, I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it!’’ - Unknown

This was my small walk down the memory lane…I request the readers to chip in too…please add your favourite childhood memory with your sisters…I am sure you have plenty…..so we are waiting for your story….Some sisterly pics of dear readers here….

PS: This one was requested by Madhura….and thanx to her I had this small visit back in time…


  1. Wow.....im still laughing out loud.....u fell down imitating walk of other person and i think nikki and gopu came to lift u up.
    There are many memories that can make me laugh unstoppable.
    But yes I m always proud of you. "My elder sister is a doctor" first sentence wen it comes to introduce my family ;-)
    For this blog I have to say ' ditto or same ' is what I feel for you.
    U have also annoyed me a lot and u still not over with it :-(

  2. pls i dont remember how i fell..nor do i remember who picked me up...but teri hasi abhi bhi mere kano me goonj rahi hai....stop laughing and share..me too proud of u.....i with a lot of pride say meri choti behan '5.10' hai height me!!!

  3. :-D
    Correction 5'9" ;-)
    And seeing me mostly people ask ur sister also tall ?

  4. Hey ur sister jodi z my fvrt... I love u both....


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