A for Action

Very correctly said, action is the key to everything we do  and achieve in our life. It’s often said it’s important to dream but then something that is even more important is to get up and act. There is no snooze button in life, opportunity only knocks once. Your inaction helps the other person become more and more lucky and successful. Nothing guarantees success than acting and gradually moving towards your goal.
It is our action that define our priorities in life. We can have a head full of thoughts, but the ideas that are actioned get priority and eventually lead to a new intellectual property. So prioritise your actions and action as per your priorities and you will have a better more successful and content tomorrow in life.

A for Action contributed by reader Prafull!                                                                                      Please share and help increase readers, add comment and help me smile more!


  1. Good tht u started it vth Action..... Thumbs up fr this one

    1. thanks Dear...its actions that begins everything else


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