5 things that add value to my morning

Pic courtesy -- Google

If the title of this post makes you think I am an early riser, sorry to disappoint you. But I really feel morning hours, spent well really add value to your day. With this new sense of awakening, I decided to practice to get-up early. So once I started getting up early, I felt I had a lot of time to myself. Initially like most of us this time, was spent on Insta, FB and Amazon. FB, made me realize I need to post more often, Insta made me realize I need to send more time and money on my upkeep and finally it culminated in filling my Amazon cart and emptying my wallet.

So after a lot of this I realized, if I am getting up early I have to better utilize my time. Or else I better sleep and save some good amount money. So with this started my experiments with various morning schedules, inspired by celebrities, so called social media influencer and few you tubers. After a lot of experiments and tweaking I came up with a schedule that worked for me. For any one who lies lazy morning, do not read any more. So lets begin with 5 things, that add value to my morning: 

#1 I start my day with a glass of water. This is a new habit, but I have now started to like it. It helps wake me up.

#2 I make my bed, this prevents me from going back to sleep. Also, helps me with some clutter free mind right at the start of the day.

#3 I get my Pro-Oats bowl ready. This was I have a healthy snack for when I reach home all tired and hungry.

#4 I go for a 30 mins walk. Clock it in the morning and you feel fresh and energized through your day.

#5 I skip breakfast and replace it with a mild black coffee. I know many will say, is not breakfast the most important meal of the day. But there is a concept of intermittent fasting, and I have been following it for a few months now. It has shown be good results and help me prevent food coma right at the start of the day
This my morning ritual and has been working great for me. Basically this sets the day for me and helps me accomplish most of my planned tasks for the day. Do let me know, what adds value to your morning!


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