Add it small here to lose it big there

One thing we often hear women say is, “ I wish I had more time, I would definitely exercise and look my best”. But ladies let me tell you, how much ever you yelp over this, no one is going to add more hours to your day. And also if just sit and keep moaning of time shortage, you are doing nothing but killing even more time. So either accept the situation and live with it or get up and try to change it. Everyone has the same set of hours and still are able to accomplish all that they are willing, Its just all bout priorities. Remember the good old saying ‘where there is a will there is a way’. But at the same time we have to agree, time is a relatively expensive resource specially for ladies who have to single handedly juggle too many things in their life in a day. So what do we do, how to find sunshine in a gloomy day. I know at some occasion when you do have time you don’t have the strength to endure a 60 or lets says even a 30 mins exercise schedule. Plus add to that the stress that goes to maintain the same schedule day in and day out. 
So what do we do ladies. Answer is simple we can always do small little things that can helps us gradually but surely move towards the goals in the weighing scale. Remember ‘boond boond se sagar banta hai’ meaning small efforts over a period of time on a regular basis give you big results. So let’s just focus on  small lifestyle changes and add a few small activities into our daily routine that will help us in healthy eating and increase movement in our day-to-day regime.
Also let me tell you, none of this is effective on its own. They both complement each other, and go hand in hand. So to be successful we have to include both type of changes i.e., eating habits and exercise. So let’s work on them one by one and see which change of the list can be useful and easily implemented by you.

Eating habit changes:
  • Add more fiber into your diet. This can be in the form of raw vegetables as in salads.
  • Make sure to have more proteins for breakfast. Eggs are a great option.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Sip hot and comforting green tea.
  • Avoid aerated drinks.
  • Use a smaller plate for eating. Believe me it works.
  • Prepare soups at home and have them before your main meals. They fill you up really well.
  • Prefer white meat over red meat.
  • Add seafood into your diet.
  • Avoid bakery products.
Slipping more activity into your daily routine:
  • Make TV time a time for activity. Spot jog in front of TV, time will pass effortlessly.
  • Meet friends over a walk.
  • Try to walk small distance over using your vehicle for same.
  • Try taking the stairs.
  • Get an exercise ball and use it for mindless TV surfing. All the balancing that goes into it, helps you me more active compared to just lying on the couch.
  • Take kids to park, play with them.
These are just some generic changes that can be applied by anyone and everyone and these will definitely yield results. However you are the best person to judge your own lifestyle and use can definitely use pointer from here and develop a more active lifestyle. Small changes in lifestyle will definitely give you large benefits in the long run. So start today, to be a fitter person tomorrow.

Thanks Team Blogadda...for choosing this post for the Tangy Tuesday pick!


  1. Useful tips.. N true.. It's all about priorities.. πŸ™‹πŸ»

    1. thanks for taking out the time to read are useful only when implemented...lets implement and see the change.


  2. Congratulations! Your blog post was selcted as one of the best picks for our Tangy Tuesday edition on January 26, 2016 at BlogAdda

    Please view your post here:

  3. Hi, very correctly said, little efforts give great results, if done correctly. Congrats on blogadda pick.
    Please do take time to visit

    1. thanks Gunjan...will surely visit your blog


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