Hmmmm…..No Please …xxx

“learning to say no can earn you respect from yourself as well those around you.”
Auliq Ice
I m in love with Mr. Ice….doesn’t he have a cool name…….more so I feel his thoughts are so so cool……
Sometimes…….actually these days most of the times all I want to say to the people around me is “NO”…..Doesn’t it sound so simple….but let me tell you ppl……it isn’t easy…no one is ready for a “NO”……We live in a world where everyone wants affirmation and gives  out only negative vibes…but its more than this….I feel being able to say “NO” is a big thing…most of the time my heart, soul and mind is shouting “NO”….“NO”…….“NO”……and all I Utter is a gentle and reassuring “hmmm”.
Why is it so difficult to just say no and move ahead…..why do we have to affirm to the standards set my the society….why cant I just be myself……its ok ….its okay to be rude…..then be fake…..
 But people are not ready for his…..not being able to say no…make me feel as if I have lost my identity…..I have lost my opinion and self worth…the burden of an unwanted yes pushes… me buries me down there
 “Being unable to say no can make you exhausted, stressed and irritable.”
Auliq Ice
 And yes it does all of the above to me…..I am emotionally exhausted after an unwanted yes….I feel its my right to express myself…people in our life show authority on us in many ways…one of it is they take decisions for us and we have no voice to say “NO”……is this not loss of identity…..loss of individuality and a complete loss of selfworth….so many times I see myself as a mere spectator in my life…..on very few instances where we can choose between “YES”, “NO” and “MAY BE”…..I have grown up giving competitive exams…its not that I have stopped now….I still do compete on a daily basis with some superb opponents like time…..self-respect……rest and leisure…and most of the time…my opponents win because all I say is “YES”….”YES” I am there for everybody…and “NO” I have no time for myself…….anyways back to the topic….even in those really difficult exams the boards give you 4 choices …..I know we paid for the wrong answers but at least we had a choice……. we at least had the freedom to choose an answer and face the consequences for our own decisions…..but in life we don’t even get two options that is of “YES” and “NO”…..all  we can say is “Hmmm”

And so back here in reality I end up doing things I didn’t want to do in the first place….and while doing those I continuously in my head just try to reason out myself…how it was a good idea to say yes…but believe me you…I am never convinced and then I lose my patience and then the person out there is not me……..its just an irritated soul….who is screaming and wanting to say “NO”…..


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