5 ways that will help you achive those inevitable ---- NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS
Phew! It’s that time of the year again. Resolutions…new year
resolutions…hope that rings a bell. I know this is no rocket science and we
have been doing it for years. Its relatively easy to set yourself a goal in the
form of a new year resolution. And the
best part about new year resolutions is that everyone is interested in knowing them
and appreciating you for having an innovative one, but no one never ever turns
back and check on the accomplishments or achievements. Also everyone know that’s
new year resolution last only till the year is new, i.e. only till the time you
mistakenly keep mentioning 2015 for
2016. So you see it only takes a few days to get on the hang of a new year at
the end of a date and thus by this time the new year becomes old and the
resolutions are forgotten and buried under heaps of guilt.
But what if you really want to have a resolution and achieve it. Remember like
every other goal that you set up for yourself these new year resolutions can
also be achieved. Nevertheless I am here… really to help you achieve your
resolutions this year. Let’s do it scientifically, after all science gives
logic and results everywhere. It might be scientific but it need not be difficult
to decipher. It’s simple all we need to do is have some SMART goals. So what
are smart goals, smart goals are goals that qualify the below 5 criteria’s and
give you maximum chances of success.
So here SMART
stand for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and
Time-bound. So are we ready for this
one?? Are we really? Please give me a break, who on earth puts so much thought to new year
resolutions. They are made to be broken and the only way to achieve a new year resolution
is by not achieving it so that you can have the same resolution the next year. No
hard work, every year we can have the same set of resolution.
So please relax and try to recollect the resolutions you
made last year and didn’t achieve and just strike of the year to 2016 and begin
all over again.
PS: Sorry to disappoint you in case you were really interested
in 5 ways to achieve new year resolutions. Party on who cares of about
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