5 Best Birthday Wishes

Birthdays have always been special to me. I consider them to be the one day to be celebrated to the most, to be pampered, gifted and spoiled to the limit. But then what can be better than heartfelt personal wishes, it tops my list. Everything else can happen on any day of the year but not birthday wishes. Lets try and list 5 best birthday wish-notes that you can use readily and make someone’s birthday a day worth cherishing.



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Very correctly said…life needs to be celebrated specially on Birthdays. After all that is the day you received the gift called life. So go ahead and celebrate it to the most. Celebrations need not be limited to birthdays, but birthdays call for the best celebrations. After all we keep looking and taking care of others the whole year, its days like these that remind us ….. we need to celebrate ourselves also.


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Very true…we have to stop counting in years. Lets start wishing, hoping for a new day everyday. To full fill all that we want to accomplish. To live life better and move towards being the best version of oneself. Lets upgrade ourselves using new avenues to achieve more in life, lets have a new hope, a reason to live life better everyday and lets get newer everyday. That’s the only way to have a better life down the road called life.


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This one steals the show, make not only your life enjoyable but also of others around you. Make sure you having you around counts as a celebration for all. The day you start enjoying for other is the day you start realizing the actual essence of life.


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So this one is for that hottie @ forty. As they say age is merely a number , what better way to depict that. We can always count the no. of years we have been on earth or count our blessings. Also I agree that till the age of 18 we actually live our life , without any inhibitions any speculations. We are in a way in a protective and guarded environment where we have people who with their experience help us understand life better and make decisions on our behalf absolving us of the responsibilities. And post that once we start actually making decisions for us we start experiencing life first had and that's where I think this quote stand true. Live life to gain experience and not grow-up. As they say "Don’t grow-up, it’s a trap!" Oh well yes it is….remain a teenager and just keep adding experience instead of nos. to your age. A life experienced well is lived well.


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Wow…this one undoubtedly is for me ….I take pride in saying I am better today than yesterday and tomorrow I will be my best. I think striving to be better than yourself can be the only way to be the best in all you do. My only rivalry or race is with “ME”, no one is at the same place as me and so my best competitor is “ME” today. As they say “Today you are you and that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you” So who could be your best competitor….strive to get the best out of you and don't just keep growing…start today and keep getting better then you are today.



So lets go ahead use one of these and make someone’s birthday more special. Let it touch their heart and make a lasting impression. I am sure the best way to make someone’s birthday special is to glorify them, celebrate them and make them believe oh so special they are for you!


  1. Great Messages.. Convey the Reality behind aging!

    1. thanx...birthdays are special and so we need special messages to make them much more special


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