“ The support of one's personality is friends. A part of one's self and a real foundation and existence.”

You are your own biggest support, teacher, friend, critic and competition. Yes you are …..believe me!!!
You don’t lose when some one else is better than you…you lose when you were better yesterday and not  today.
You have to better yourself everyday……you don’t compete with the world…you compete with your own self…when we start thinking and living this way…we will never fear to lose….because every loss will only help us move further in self improvement and betterment.
When people don’t help or support you…be happy they are helping you become more self reliant and self sufficient. They are contributing to your self esteem and growth……so then all you achieve will be yours….when no one contributes no one shares…..this way you will both eat the cake and save it also ;)
This is not gyan from some book I read or some scriptures…its my own experience……hum Jag biti nahi kehte ap biti bayan karte hai….
So you see this is first hand information….straight from the horses mouth…..its only when people pull you down you can launch yourself with the biggest force……compete with yourself…one lifetime is a very short time to compete with the world…..you own your capabilities, so why be slave to the qualities of a colleague, friend or anybody for that matter and try and compete against them……live for yourself and live at your own terms……life is here…be here for your self…time moves and never comes back….this could possibly be the best time of your life….where  you have been awarded with the best and the biggest opportunities that life has  to offer…you are not here to exist you are here to perform and out perform yourself everyday…..

So go out and fight …….it gives me the biggest push when I depend on someone and my dependencies are not honored…….I struggle I fight I toil but the success after that is the sweetest……
Believe me …….go out and do whatever you are doing in your own special way….don’t be slave to societal reforms….you can be anything…you  can be a wife…a mother…a career  women……girl you are so talented that you and only you can be all of this at a time and still  be exceptional….be brilliant…. and I would say these are some very important roles  we play…..Its your capabilities that will shape the future of a generation…so don’t shy away from your responsibilities because of a little competition……fight and survive and triumph……as we all know its survival of the fittest !!!!

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  1. Is this encouraging blog only applicable to females? Write for everyone, don't be gender biased.
    Wenever putting text in other languages, like HINDI use italic font style to differentiate.
    Use different grammar symbols ":;,'-*! , why using only ......... all the time.

    1. I know these comments are coming from whom....i would rather say thanx anonymous.....encourangement is for everyone seeking some.....still trying come out of the bais in my writing... also thanx for the tips that can be used to enhance the blog writing and reading experience:)

  2. Very well written dear !!! Encouraging and positive thoughts!!!.. Keep it up

  3. Good going girl..... Proud of u

  4. My morale meter is off the mark after reading this.. Grt piece.. With a straight in ur face attitude.... Just luv it...!!

    1. thanx dear.....new site first post...very happy with response ...pls share the link with like minded people....lets build a bigger community

  5. Good post nidhi
    Increases one 's morale
    As I reader I want you to put more deeper thoughts in ur writing

    1. thanx for the appreciation dear...will definitely adhere to your advice

  6. Good one nidhi. Encouraging-yet-motivational.

    I like your simplistic approach in your writing! Keep going!

    1. Thanx Gowthama! i always welcome appreciation!
      Continue reading!


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