Melt it off -- Detox Tea

 So we all want to find ways to melt off our hard earned fat without doing much. For that matter our primary enemy seems to be the ability to find time for exercise. So here I bring to you the best remedies to melt away those extra kilos and what better than attack that belly bulge. Also these are not exotic or expensive ingredients. We are going to use cost effective and humble ingredients from our spice box in the kitchen which we rule.
And mind you all this ayurvedic wisdom and has already tried and tested by time as well as modern science. And what’s better none of these will have any side-effects on you, rather just bring in more life and energy in you.
So Let’s begin with the ingredients and  recipe of our Detox tea.
  • Whole cumin seeds
  • Whole coriander seeds
  • Whole fennel seeds
These are readily available in every Indian kitchen and already part of our diet in some form or other. So what new, it’s the way we need to have them and make them work for us. Let’s begin with looking into each one of them to understand there benefits individually and then we can see how they complement each other.

Cumin seeds: Cumin or as we commonly call it Jeera are tiny seeds but are full of loads on nutrients which help improve metabolism and get rid of excess fat. Its rich in Phyto-sterols. These are natural substances of plant origin that are similar to cholesterol in their structure and function. They inhibit the absorption of harmful cholesterol in the digestive tract, which could be the explanation for their weight-reducing effect. They have many more beneficial effects on overall health and wellbeing.

Coriander seeds: Coriander promotes digestion and prevents flatulence. Also promotes enzyme and digestive juice secretion in stomach and prevents anorexia. Coriander also has numerous other benefits like maintaining  blood sugar level, menstrual problems and many more. Polyphenols present help in reducing fat cells around the liver and also prevent further deposition of  liver fat. Coriander also has quercetin, which is responsible for lowering bad cholesterol. It also helps in increasing the metabolic rate which helps in weight loss.

Fennel seeds: Fennels seeds are a natural detoxifier with a sweet licorice flavor. It being a mild diuretic helps reduce water retention while preventing dehydration. It also increases Melatonin levels in the brain, thus helping us sleep well. Getting enough sleep reduces secretion of hunger inducing hormones, thus helping in appetite suppression and thus weight loss.

So with this valuable information handy, now we know how beneficially individually these herbs are for us. What better is that they perfectly complement each other and work multifold together.
So let’s jump to the recipe and quickly sip it up and melt that stubborn fat. Here we go!
image credits - Google
Add 1 teaspoon of the seeds to about 1000ml of  water and let it boil for about 5 minutes with the lid on. Strain out the seeds and pour the water into a thermos. The key is to make it fresh every morning, place it in a thermos. Take small sips of it through the day. It is best to drink it warm or hot. If the tea is too strong or if you experience some initial discomfort, reduce the amount of seeds to ½ teaspoon for a week or 2 and then gradually increase it 1 teaspoon.

So basically what will this magical decoction do for you??

1.      Increases metabolism.
2.      Natural appetite suppressant.
3.      Aid in blood purification.
4.      Mild stimulant. This infused water can help you keep alert and awake, without caffeine! Sipping the water throughout the day can help you keep alert and awake, giving you just enough motivation to get up and exercise, without the usual caffeine crash.
5.      Anti-spasmodic effect. The anti-spasmodic effect helps suppress hunger pangs by relaxing the stomach muscles that produce the sensation. This can help you intake less calories and lose excess weight.

Happy Health!!!


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